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- Mouse Necropsy. Treuting PM, Snyder JM. Curr Protoc Mouse Biol. 2015 Sep 1;5(3):223-33. doi: 10.1002/9780470942390.mo140296. PMID: 26331757.
- What Is Your Neurologic Diagnosis? Meeker SM, Treuting PM, Maggio-Price L, Snyder JM. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2016 Apr 15;248(8):883-5
- The Vital Role of Pathology in Improving Reproducibility and Translational Relevance of Aging Studies in Rodents. Treuting PM, Snyder JM, Ikeno Y, Schofield PN, Ward JM, Sundberg JP. Vet Pathol. 2016 Jan 20. pii: 0300985815620629. [Epub ahead of print]
- Correlation of Versican Expression, Accumulation, and Degradation during Embryonic Development by Quantitative Immunohistochemistry. Snyder JM, Washington IM, Birkland T, Chang MY, and Frevert CW. J Histochem Cytochem. 2015 Dec;63(12):952-67
- Isoforms of RNA-Editing Enzyme ADAR1 Independently Control Nucleic Acid Sensor MDA5-Driven Autoimmunity and Multi-organ Development. Pestal K, Funk CC, Snyder JM, Price ND, Treuting PM, Stetson DB. Immunity. 2015 Nov 17;43(5):933-44.
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